Name Date published Author
Can Imports Discipline Collusive Firms? Case of the Philippine Cement Industry January 2008
Can Insurance Reduce Catastrophic Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure? January 2008
Can Social Security Boost Domestic Consumption in the People’s Republic of China? January 2010
Can the New Antimonopoly Act Change the Japanese Business Community?: The 2005 Amendment to Antimonopoly Act and Corporate Compliance January 2008
Capital Adequacy Regime in India – An Overview January 2007
Capital Inflows, Inflation and Exchange Rate Volatility: An Investigation for Linear and Nonlinear Causal Linkages January 2010
Capital Structure Choice of the Foreign Affiliates of Japanese Multinational Firms: Characteristics and Problems August 2006
CARP Institutional Assessment in a Post-2008 Transition Scenario: Implications for Land Administration and Management January 2008
CARP Institutional Assessment in a Post-2008 Transition Scenario: Reforms for the Agrarian Justice System January 2008
CARP Institutional Assessment in a Post-2008 Transition Scenario: Towards a new Rural Development Architecture January 2008
Causality between Foreign Direct Investment and Tourism: Empirical Evidence from India January 2009
Causes and Remedies of China’s External Imbalances January 2010
Causes of and Remedies for the People’s Republic of China’s External Imbalances: The Role of Factor Market Distortion April 2011
Causes of Low Secondary School Enrollment in Indonesia January 2006
Central Asia: Mapping Future Prospects January 2006
Central Asia’s Transition After Fifteen Years: Growth and Policy Choices January 2006
Central Bank Credibility and Monetary Policy: Evidence from Small Scale Macroeconomic Model of Indonesia January 2005
Central Banking for Financial Stability in Asia August 2012
Challenges in Health Services Trade: Philippine Case January 2005