A Giant Problem: The Influence of the Chicago School on Australian Competition Law, Economic Dynamism and Inequality
September 2019
ERIA–RIN Joint Statement No. 7
November 2019
The Making and Implementation of the Belt and Road Policy
December 2016
The Australia–China Commission: a Preliminary Proposal
August 2016
Pakistan’s Potential Trade and ‘Behind the Border’ Constraints
June 2016
Channelizing Afghanistan to Pakistan Informal Trade into Formal Channels
June 2016
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Multilateralism on the Silk Road
January 2016
Prosperity, sustainability and the measurement of wealth
April 2015
Services Sector Development and Improving Production Network in ASEAN
April 2015
Connecting South Asia and Southeast Asia: A Bangladesh Country Study
September 2014
Three Arrows of “Abenomics” and the Structural Reform of Japan: Inflation Targeting Policy of the Central Bank, Fiscal Consolidation, and Growth Strategy
August 2014
Income Distributions, Inequality, and Poverty in Asia, 1992–2010
March 2014
Globalization, Infrastructure, and Inclusive Growth
February 2014
Rising Inequality in Asia and Policy Implications
February 2014
Special Study on Sustainable Fisheries Management and International Trade in the Southeast Asia and Pacific Region
October 2013
Governance and Economic Integration: Stakes for Asia
June 2013
How Low-Carbon Green Growth Can Reduce Inequalities
May 2013
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, People’s Republic of China, and India Growth and the Rest of the World: The Role of Trade
April 2013
Financing Development Cooperation in Northeast Asia
February 2013
Lifestyle Choices and Societal Behavior Changes as Local Climate Strategy
November 2012