Asian Century



Name Date published Author
The Australia–China Commission: a Preliminary Proposal 16/08/2016 Peter Drysdale, ANU, and Zhang Xiaoqiang, CCIEE
Economic Growth in China and Its Potential Impact on Australia-China Bilateral Trade 23/06/2016 Yu Sheng
A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model for India 06/07/2015 Shesadri Banerjee and Parantap Basu
Assessing the competitiveness of the supply side response to China’s iron ore demand shock 19/05/2015 Luke Hurst
Economic growth, wellbeing and sustainability: measuring Australia’s progress 29/04/2015 Gemma van Halderen, Joanne Baker
The future of Australia’s productivity: Some insights from productivity analysis 29/04/2015 Jenny Gordon
Australia in the Asian Century 29/04/2015 Ken Henry
Productivity lessons for the Asian region 29/04/2015 Jungsoo Park, Lawrence Lau
Prosperity, sustainability and the measurement of wealth 29/04/2015 Kevin Mumford
Demographic change in the Asian Century: Implications for Australia and the Region 29/04/2015 Peter McDonald
Take-off, Persistence, and Sustainability: The Demographic Factor of Chinese Growth 29/04/2015 Cai Fang, Lu Yang
Long-term fiscal sustainability in advanced economies 29/04/2015 Alan J. Auerbach
Changing Population In Japan and A Life-Long Active Society To Cope With It 29/04/2015 Atsushi Seike
A lesson in market contestability: calculating the cost of Chinese state intervention in iron ore price negotiations 23/04/2015 Luke Hurst
Services Sector Development and Improving Production Network in ASEAN 23/04/2015 Yose Rizal Damuri

EAF articles

  • How does Asia perceive China’s new approach to international relations?

    Authors: Niv Horesh, University of Nottingham, and Emilian Kavalski, ACU

    One day in June 2013, President Xi Jinping and his wife and First Lady Peng Liyuan touched down in Trinidad and Tobago. As the pair embarked the aircraft and strode down the gangway, there was something unmistakably ostentatious — a swagger even — in Peng’s turquoise attire and Xi’s matching tie. It marked a shift in China’s approach to international relations.

  • Rise of the rest demands a new style of US leadership

    Author: Brad Glosserman, Pacific Forum CSIS

    Foreign policy is a search for and an attempt to impose order on an unruly world. That task has become more difficult in recent years, with an ever-lengthening list of threats, challenges and destabilising factors. The rise of Asia in the global system also requires a paradigm shift in thinking about global governance.

  • The ‘Indo-Pacific’: absent policy behind meaningless words

    Author: Trevor Wilson, ANU

    Some may not have noticed when it happened but Julie Bishop, after becoming Australian Foreign Minister in September 2013, directed the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to use the term ‘Indo-Pacific’ instead of the traditional ‘Asia Pacific’ which has now been in use throughout the world for more than forty years. According to some, Bishop was not initially wedded to ‘Indo-Pacific’ but she seems to have become a convert, although she still occasionally uses ‘Indo-Pacific/Asia Pacific’.

  • Cacophonous beginnings to a new Asian epoch

    Author: Jean-Pierre Lehmann, IMD

    On 26 October 1909 a young Korean nationalist, Ahn Jung-Geun, assassinated Japanese statesman and four-time prime minister Itō Hirobumi on the platform of Harbin railway station. This triggered a number of developments in East Asia. Specifically, it gave Tokyo a pretext for the formal colonisation of Korea the following year and extended Japan’s imperialist reach over the continent. Although Japan had already made its impact as a rising global power — notably in forging an alliance with Great Britain in 1902 and defeating Russia in war in 1905 — beyond East Asia the incident was hardly noticed.

  • Europe’s broken weapons of mass seduction

    Author: Jean-Pierre Lehmann, IMD

    For Asia, the decline of Europe is not necessarily bad news. Though the market will be less buoyant, it will remain large — given the amount of wealth accumulated over centuries. The lack of competitiveness and increasing number of failing European companies will also provide more opportunities for acquisitions by Asian investors.

  • US puts the Asian ‘pivot’ into pictures

    Author: Peter Dean, ANU

    The ‘rebalance’ to the Asia Pacific is alive and well according to the recently released US Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR). If a picture tells a thousand words then the United States Department of Defense’s (DoD) latest strategic policy document has some interesting things to say. Eight of the 22 photos in the document focus on the region, and this outstrips the US homeland — the focus of overall US strategy.

  • The politics of self-interest bind India and China together

    Authors: Melissa Conley Tyler and Aakriti Bachhawat, AIIA

    One of the characteristics of today’s Asia is its asymmetric rivalries, including Japan’s rivalry with China, China’s with the United States, Pakistan’s with India and India’s with China.

  • Keeping Asia peaceful and prosperous

    Author: Hugh White, ANU

    Thanks again to Robert and James for raising such key issues in their riposte to my second post in this exchange. I think there are five questions here.

    First, there is the question of what China wants, on the one hand, and what it will settle for, on the other. I agree completely with Robert and James that China’s conduct these days does not suggest it wants parity with the United States in Asia: it suggests that China does indeed, as they say, want some kind of ‘21st century neo-tributary system or version of an Asian Monroe Doctrine’.

  • Can Indonesia play a leadership role in the Asian century?

    Author: Maria Monica Wihardja, University of Indonesia

    Indonesia has become an unlikely star of the international economy, with its resilient growth in the midst of the US sub-prime mortgage and European sovereign and banking crises. But political, social and environmental conditions at home are not commensurate with the quality of Indonesia’s relatively outstanding growth.

  • New dynamism in cultural, intellectual influences in the Asian century

    Author: Jiemian Yang, SIIS

    The Asian century, or Pacific century, has become a catchphrase that emphasises economic dynamism and shifts in political power.

    But the cultural and intellectual aspects have rather been neglected.