
Name Date published Author
Institutions Matter: The Case of Vietnam January 2008
Instrumental Variable Quantile Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models January 2007
Intellectual Property Rights: Talking Points for RP-US FTA Negotiations January 2006
Interest Groups and Patent Reform in India January 2003
Interface Between Competition Policy and Infrastructure Regulation in the Philippines January 2005
International Competitiveness — Where Pakistan Stands? January 2007
International Remittances and Household Expenditures: The Philippine Case January 2007
Internationalization of Tertiary Education Services in Singapore October 2012
Is Economic Growth Sustainable? Environmental Quality Of Indian States Post 1991 January 2006
Is Foreign Aid a Vanguard of Foreign Direct Investment? A Gravity-Equation Approach January 2009
Islamic Economy: Its Relevance to the Globalization of Economy in the Muslim Filipino Areas January 2005
Issues and Prospects on the Movement of Natural Persons and Human Capital Development in the Philippine-American Economic Relations January 2006
Issues on the Official Poverty Estimation Methodology in the Philippines: Comparability of Estimates across Space and over Time January 2009
Issues on the Official Poverty Estimation Methodology in the Philippines: Comparability of Estimates across Space and Over Time January 2009
IT and ITES as an Engine of Growth: An Exploration into the Indian Experience January 2009
Japan’s Post-Triple-Disaster Growth Strategy August 2012
Japan’s Economic Growth and Information Technology Potential Despite Fumbled Innovation January 2008
Land Reform and Changes in Land Ownership Concentration: Evidence from Rice-Growing Villages in the Philippines January 2006
Land Rental Market Activity in Agrarian Reform Areas: Evidence from the Philippines January 2008
Leveraging Environment and Climate Change Initiatives for Corporate Excellence December 2011