
Name Date published Author
Leveraging Environment and Climate Change Initiatives for Corporate Excellence December 2011
Channels of Interprovincial Consumption Risk Sharing in the People’s Republic of China December 2011
Mainstreaming the Adaptations and Reducing the Vulnerability of the Poor due to Climate Change December 2011
Understanding the Pattern of Growth and Equity in the People’s Republic of China December 2011
Can Asia Sustain an Export-Led Growth Strategy in the Aftermath of the Global Crisis? An Empirical Exploration December 2011
Climate Change and Poverty Reduction—Where Does Official Development Assistance Money Go? November 2011
Gender Inclusion in Climate Change Adaptation September 2011
Information Disclosure Strategies for Green Industries August 2011
Managing Multinational Infrastructure: An Analysis of European Union Institutional Structures and Best Practice July 2011
Understanding the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Child and Maternal Health among the Poor: Opportunities for South Asia July 2011
Trans-Pacific Economic Relations and US-China Business Cycles: Convergence within Asia versus US Economic Leadership June 2011
Industrial Upgrading and Global Recession: Evidence of Hard Disk Drive and Automotive Industries in Thailand May 2011
Exploring Access and Equity in Malaysia’s Private Higher Education April 2011
Foreign Direct Investment in Cross-Border Infrastructure Projects April 2011
Trans-Pacific Rebalancing: Thailand Case Study March 2011
Crisis, Imbalances, and India March 2011
Trade in Services and Human Development: A First Look at the Links March 2010
Examination of the Singapore Shift in Japan’s Foreign Direct Investment in Services in ASEAN March 2010
The Role of Macroeconomic Policy in Rebalancing Growth February 2010
Financial Development: A Broader Perspective December 2010