
Name Date published Author
Social Norms and Cooperation in the Matching Game: A Review January 2008
Poverty and Agrarian Distress in Orissa January 2009
The Costs of Achieving the Millennium Development Goals through Adopting Organic Agriculture January 2010
Issues on the Official Poverty Estimation Methodology in the Philippines: Comparability of Estimates across Space and over Time January 2009
The Effect of Financial Repression & Enforcement on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development March 2006
Institutions Matter: The Case of Vietnam January 2008
Human Development Index for Rural Andhra Pradesh January 2008
Impact of Urban Growth on Water Bodies – The Case of Hyderabad January 2004
Development Strategy for the Hill Districts of Uttarakhand January 2008
Agrarian Scenario in Post-reform India – A Story of Distress, Despair and Death January 2007
Gender-based Indicators in Human Development – Correcting for ‘Missing Women’ January 2008
Does Governance Matter? Yes, No or Maybe Some Evidence from Developing Asia January 2006
Environment, Human Development and Economic Growth after Liberalisation: An Analysis of Indian States January 2007
Strengthening the Poverty Reduction Capacity of Regional Governments through Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) January 2006
Rice and Philippine Politics January 2005
A Review of Build-Operate-Transfer for Infrastructure Development: Some Lessons for Policy Reform January 2008
Effect of Liberalization on Banking Competition January 2005
The Impact of a Philippine-US FTA: The Case of Philippine Agriculture January 2006
The Overview of SME Development Situation in Ten Cities / Provinces and Some Initial Findings January 2006