
Name Date published Author
Higher Education in India – The Need for Change January 2006
Role of Science & Technology, Higher Education and Research in Regional Socio-Economic Development January 2006
Accra Conference on Aid Effectiveness – Perspectives from Bangladesh January 2008
Social Group Disparities and Poverty in India January 2005
Green Revolutions and Miracle Economies : Agricultural Innovation, Trade and Growth January 2005
Financial Variables as Predictors of Real Output Growth January 2007
Innovation in India and China: Challenges and Prospects in Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology January 2008
Objective Measures of Family Welfare for Individual Targeting: Results from Pilot Project on Community Based Monitoring System in Indonesia January 2005
CARP Institutional Assessment in a Post-2008 Transition Scenario: Implications for Land Administration and Management January 2008
Are Maternal and Child Care Programs Reaching the Poorest Regions in the Philippines? January 2008
Benefit Incidence of Public Spending on Education in the Philippines January 2008
Measuring Economic Lifecycle and Flows across Population Age Groups: Data and Methods in the Application of the NTA in the Philippines January 2007
International Remittances and Household Expenditures: The Philippine Case January 2007
Factors Determining Public Demand for Safe Drinking Water (A Case Study of District Peshawar) January 2010
The Two Waves of Service-Sector Growth January 2009
Issues on the Official Poverty Estimation Methodology in the Philippines: Comparability of Estimates across Space and Over Time January 2009
Destined for Destitution: Intergenerational Poverty Persistence in Indonesia January 2009
Critical Evaluation of Cross-Border Infrastructure Projects in Asia January 2010
China’s Sovereign Wealth Fund: Weakness and Challenges December 2008
Impact of Special Economic Zones on Employment, Poverty and Human Development January 2007