
Name Date published Author
Securitized Products, Financial Regulation, and Systemic Risk January 2010
East Asian Financial and Monetary Cooperation and Its Prospect: Beyond the CMI January 2010
Dynamic Provisioning: Some Lessons from Existing Experiences January 2010
The Financial Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for Strengthening Regional Monitoring of Financial Markets and Regional Coordination of Financial Sector Policies? January 2010
Monetary and Financial Cooperation in Asia: Emerging Trends and Prospects January 2006
Index of Financial Inclusion January 2008
Comments on “A selective overview of nonparametric methods in financial econometrics” January 2005
Reverse Mortgages as Retirement Financing Instrument: An Option for “Asset-rich and Cash-poor” Singaporeans January 2005
Korea’s Unemployment Insurance in the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis and Adjustments in the 2008 Global Financial Crisis January 2010
Financial Leverage and Market Volatility with Diverse Beliefs January 2009
Monetary Policy Strategies in the Asia and Pacific Region: What Way Forward? January 2010
Political Economy of the Financial Crises in Japan & the United States: A Comparative Study on the Bailout of Financial Institutions January 2010
Financing Asia’s Infrastructure: Modes of Development and Integration of Asian Financial Markets January 2010
Financial Sector Development, FDI and Economic Growth in China. August 2007
Cost of Holding Excess Reserves – The Indian Experience January 2008
CSR, Contracting and Socially Responsible Investment: Opportunities for Pakistani Firms January 2006
Comment on “Realized Variance and Market Microstructure Noise” by Peter R. Hansen and Asger Lunde January 2005
Medical Savings Accounts in Singapore: How much is adequate? January 2005
Tsunami in New York Earthquake in Beijing? January 2008
Intra-metropolitan Price and Trading Volume Dynamics: Evidence from Hong Kong January 2008