
Name Date published Author
Volatility Spillover between the Stock Market and the Foreign Market in Pakistan January 2006
The Public Financial System in Japan – Re-verification of the ballooning theory and the privileged government enterprise theory January 2005
Stock Returns-Inflation Relation in India January 2008
Corporate Debt Restructuring and Public Financial Institutions in Japan -Do Government-Affiliated Financial Institutions Soften Budget Constraints? January 2006
The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Poverty in the Philippines January 2010
Comparing GDP in constant and in chained prices: Some new results January 2009
Bayesian Analysis of Structural Credit Risk Models with Microstructure Noises January 2009
A Framework for Exchange Rate Policy in Korea March 2002
Real Exchange Rate Dynamics in the Presence of Nontraded Goods and Transaction Costs October 2008
Asian Currency Baskets: An Answer in Search of a Question? January 2007
X-efficiency, Scale Economies, Technological Progress and Competition: A Case of Banking Sector in Pakistan January 2007
FDI Investment Incentive System and FDI Inflows: The Philippine Experience January 2006
Equalizing Health and Education: Approach of the Twelfth Finance Commission January 2006
The Role of Trade Credit for Small Firms: An Implication from Japan’s Banking Crisis January 2007
Solicited and Unsolicited Credit Ratings: A Global Perspective January 2010
Indian Capital Control Liberalization : Evidence from NDF Markets January 2009
Asia’s Post-Global Financial Crisis Adjustment: A Model-Based Dynamic Scenario Analysis January 2010
Currency Conversion in the Anti-dumping Agreement April 2000
The Response of Firms to Eligibility Thresholds: Evidence from the Japanese Value-Added Tax January 2008
On the Magnet E®ect of Foreign Direct Investment January 2006