
Name Date published Author
‘Bed and Board’ in Lieu of salary: Women and Girl Children Domestics in Post Partition Calcutta (1951-1981) January 2010
A Comparative Study of Regional Labour Dynamics in Japan September 2004
Aging and economic growth: issues relevant to Singapore July 2006
Building Social Trust: A Human Capital Approach January 2007
Can Insurance Reduce Catastrophic Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure? January 2008
Causes of Low Secondary School Enrollment in Indonesia January 2006
Changing Population In Japan and A Life-Long Active Society To Cope With It April 2015
Coordinating Healthcare and Pension Policies: An Exploratory Study August 2012
Demographic change in the Asian Century: Implications for Australia and the Region April 2015
Demographics, Labor Mobility, and Productivity October 2012
Destined for Destitution: Intergenerational Poverty Persistence in Indonesia January 2009
Determinants of Job Turnover Intentions: Evidence from Singapore January 2005
Developing Asia’s Pension Systems and Old-Age Income Support April 2012
Distant Labour Supply, Skills and Induced Technical Change January 2006
Do Labor Intensive Industries Generate Employment? Evidence from firm level survey in India January 2009
Dual-Career Couples in Academia: Does Wage Growth Suffer When One’s Partner Works for the Same University? January 2007
Effects of Trade liberalisation, Environmental and Labour Regulations on Employment in India’s Organised Textile Sector January 2005
Employee Screening: Theory and Evidence January 2006
Employee Screening: Theory and Evidence January 2007
Entry Threats, and Inefficiency in ‘Efficient Bargaining’ January 2010