
Name Date published Author
Reevaluating the Roles of Large Public Surpluses and Sovereign Wealth Funds in Asia June 2011
Regional Cooperation and Integration Prospects in Asia January 2007
Regional Currency Unit in Asia: Property and Perspective January 2006
Regional Economic Integration and FDI in South Asia – Prospects and Problems January 2008
Regional Economic Integration in South Asia: Prospects and Challenges January 2009
Regional Economic Integration, Foreign Direct Investment and Efficiency-Seeking Industrial Restructuring in Asia: The Case of India January 2007
Regional Financial Arrangements and the International Monetary Fund November 2012
Regional Financial Regulation in Asia February 2014
Regional Monetary Cooperation in Latin America August 2012
Regional Settlement Infrastructure and Currency Internationalization: The Case of Asia and the Renminbi February 2014
Reliability of Structural Shocks Estimates from a Bivariate SVAR Model – The Case of Southeast Asian Countries January 2006
Response of Stock Markets to Monetary Policy: An Asian Stock Market Perspective September 2014
Rethinking Capital Flows for Emerging East Asia June 2012
Revisiting the Internationalization of the Yuan July 2012
Rising Inequality in Asia and Policy Implications February 2014
Risk-On/Risk-Off, Capital Flows, Leverage, and Safe Assets January 2013
RMB Exchange Rate and Local Currency Price Stability: The Case of China and ASEAN+3 January 2006
Save now, prosper later: Increasing New Zealand’s savings rate – a preliminary dynamic CGE analysis January 2010
Schooling and Political Participation Revisited January 2008