
Name Date published Author
Negotiating Constitution for Political Unions January 2008
Governance in India’s Public Transport Systems – Comparing Indian Railways and Airlines January 2007
The Auditor and the Firm: A Simple Model of Corporate Cheating and Intermediation January 2005
Can Imports Discipline Collusive Firms? Case of the Philippine Cement Industry January 2008
Scenarios and Options for Productivity Growth in Philippine Agriculture An Application of the AMPLE January 2010
Affordable homeownership policy: implications for housing markets January 2009
Exchange Rate Exposure of Sectoral Returns and Volatilities: Evidence from Japanese Industrial Sectors June 2007
Emerging Issues in Promoting Competition Policy in the APEC and ASEAN Countries January 2008
Perfect Competition January 2007
Conflict in Cross Border Mergers Effect of Firm and Market Size January 2008
An Alternative Approach to Measure HDI January 2008
Strategy Meets Evolution: Games Suppliers and Producers Play January 2006
Extension Delivery System in a Layer and Swine-Based Farming Community: The Case of San Jose, Batangas January 2007
How Are Government Hospitals Performing? A Study of Resource Management in DOH-retained Hospitals January 2010
What Do We Expect from Our Friends? January 2009
Technical Efficiency and Its Determinants in Gansu, West China January 2006
East Asian Steel Projections for the 1990s Revisited January 2003
Globalization and the Need for Strategic Government-Industry Cooperation in the Philippine Automotive Industry January 2008
Determinants of Competitiveness of the Indian Auto Industry January 2008
Technology Adoption in a Differentiated Duopoly – Cournot versus Bertrand January 2009