
Name Date published Author
The Role of Sri Lanka in Enhancing Connectivity between South Asia and Southeast Asia June 2014
Policies to Enhance Trade Facilitation in South Asia and Southeast Asia July 2014
Service Sector Productivity and Economic Growth in Asia July 2014
Economic Implications of Deeper South Asian–Southeast Asian Integration: A CGE Approach August 2014
Connecting South Asia and Southeast Asia: A Bangladesh Country Study September 2014
Japan’s foreign economic policy strategies and economic performance October 2014
From Global Factory to Global Mall: East Asia’s Changing Trade Composition August 2014
Connecting South and Southeast Asia: Implementation Challenges and Coordination Arrangements September 2014
The economic impact of the Australia-United States free trade agreement February 2015
A lesson in market contestability: calculating the cost of Chinese state intervention in iron ore price negotiations April 2015
Services Sector Development and Improving Production Network in ASEAN April 2015
Assessing the competitiveness of the supply side response to China’s iron ore demand shock May 2015
Modelling the potential impacts of economic reform in a partnership between Australia and China June 2016
Economic Growth in China and Its Potential Impact on Australia-China Bilateral Trade June 2016
Channelizing Afghanistan to Pakistan Informal Trade into Formal Channels June 2016
Pakistan’s Potential Trade and ‘Behind the Border’ Constraints June 2016
Economic Growth in China and Its Potential Impact on Australia-China Bilateral Trade July 2016
The Australia–China Commission: a Preliminary Proposal August 2016
The Making and Implementation of the Belt and Road Policy December 2016
Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements: Detangling the Noodle/Spaghetti Bowl June 2017