
Name Date published Author
Current WTO Negotiations Under Doha Round Insights from CPD’s Geneva Tracking Mission January 2008
Deepening Intraregional Trade and Investment in South Asia – The Case of the Textiles and Clothing Industry January 2008
Deliberating a Philippine-US Free Trade Agreement: Issues, Challenges and Prospects January 2006
Democracy and Trade Policy: the Role of Interest Groups January 2010
Determinants of Intra-FDI Inflows in East Asia: Does Regional Economic Integration Affect Intra-FDI? January 2007
Determinants of Labor-intensive exports by the Developing Countries: A Cross Country Analysis July 2012
Development of Regional Production and Logistic Networks in East Asia: the Case of the Philippines January 2010
Discussion of Balistreri, Hillberry, and Rutherford (2007):“Structural Estimation and Solution of International Trade Models with Heterogeneous Firms” January 2007
Distance isn’t dead: An empirical evaluation of food miles-based preference changes January 2009
Do Exporting Firms in the People’s Republic of China Innovate? July 2012
Does Appreciation of the RMB Decrease Imports to the U.S. from China? January 2010
Does FDI Mode of Entry Matter for Economic Performance? – The Case of Korea January 2006
Does Finance Really Matter for the Participation of SMEs in International Trade? Evidence from 8,080 East Asian Firms March 2014
Dynamic Effects of Agriculture Trade in the Context of Domestic and Global Liberalisation: A CGE Analysis for Pakistan January 2007
EABER–CCIEE policy report June 2024
Economic Growth in China and Its Potential Impact on Australia-China Bilateral Trade June 2016
Economic Growth in China and Its Potential Impact on Australia-China Bilateral Trade July 2016
Economic Implications of Deeper South Asian–Southeast Asian Integration: A CGE Approach August 2014
Economic Integration and Regional Cooperation in East Asia – A Pragmatic View January 2005
Economic Integration in Northeast Asia: Search for a Feasible Approach December 1999