
Name Date published Author
Emergence of China and India in the New Millennium: Will it Facilitate Market Access for LDCs and Developing Countries? January 2005
Engaging Small and Medium Enterprises in Production Networks: Firm-level Analysis of Five ASEAN Economies June 2012
Enhancement and Deepening of the Competitiveness of the Philippine Electronics Industry Under a Bilateral Setting January 2006
Environment Related Trade Barriers and the WTO January 2009
ERIA–RIN Joint Statement No. 7 November 2019
EU-Asia Free Trade Areas? Economic and Policy Considerations January 2010
EU-Asia Free Trade Areas? Economic and Policy Considerations December 2010
Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC): Legal Aspects of Regional Trade Integration January 2008
Evaluating the Contributions of Regional Trade Agreements to Governance of Services Trade August 2011
Examining the decoupling hypothesis for India January 2009
Exchange Rate Policy and Regional Trade Agreements: A Case of Conflicted Interests? October 2013
Experimental Economic Approaches on Trade Negotiations January 2007
Explaining Rising Returns to Education in Urban China in the 1990s January 2010
Exports, Productivity, and Credit Constraints: A Firm‐Level Empirical Investigation of China January 2009
FDI Inflows, Exports and Economic Growth in First and Second Generation ANIEs: Panel Data Causality Analyses April 2008
Feminization of Ageing and Long Term Care Financing in Singapore January 2008
Flexible BBC Exchange Rate System and Exchange Rate Cooperation in East Asia July 2008
From Global Factory to Global Mall: East Asia’s Changing Trade Composition August 2014
FTAs and Philippine Business: Evidence from Transport, Food, and Electronics Firms January 2010