
Name Date published Author
Fulfilling the Promises of South Asian Integration: A Gravity Estimation April 2013
General Equilibrium Analysis of DDA Trade Liberalization: Assessment of Alternative Scenarios January 2010
Geographical Indications at the WTO: An Unfinished Agenda January 2010
Global Economic Crisis: Impact and Restructuring of the Services Sector in India September 2011
Global Financial Crisis: Implications for Trade and Industrial Restructuring in India January 2010
Global Financial Crisis: Implications for Trade and Industrial Restructuring in India July 2011
Global Public Goods January 2008
Globalization, Infrastructure, and Inclusive Growth February 2014
Has Trade Intensity in ASEAN+3 Really Increased? Evidence from a Gravity Analysis November 2002
How Do FTAs Affect Exporting Firms in Thailand? January 2010
How Elastic is East Asian Demand for Consumption Goods? December 2010
How the iPhone Widens the United States Trade Deficit with the People’s Republic of China December 2010
How the iPhone Widens the United States Trade Deficit with the People’s Republic of China January 2010
Immunising future trade against protectionists: preventing the emergence of more sensitive sectors January 2008
Impact of Export Subsidies on Pakistan’s Exports January 2007
Impact of Production Linkages on Industrial Upgrading in ASEAN, the People’s Republic of China, and India: Organizational Evidence of a Global Supply Chain November 2012
Impact of Services Trade Liberalization on Employment and People Movement in South Asia December 2011
Impact of the ASEAN Economic Community on ASEAN Production Networks February 2013
Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Taipei,China’s Industrial Structure and Firm Activity November 2011
Impact of Trade on Employment Generation in Manufacturing in India January 2009