Name Date published Author
Understanding the Pattern of Growth and Equity in the People’s Republic of China December 2011
Distribution, Domestic Politics, and Monetary Cooperation in East Asia December 2011
Mainstreaming the Adaptations and Reducing the Vulnerability of the Poor due to Climate Change December 2011
Channels of Interprovincial Consumption Risk Sharing in the People’s Republic of China December 2011
Leveraging Environment and Climate Change Initiatives for Corporate Excellence December 2011
The Free Trade Area Of The Asia- Pacific: A Constructive Approach To Multilateralizing Asian Regionalism December 2011
The Exchange Rate, Diversification, and Distribution in a Modified Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods December 2011
The International Regulatory Regime on Capital Flows December 2011
Impact of Services Trade Liberalization on Employment and People Movement in South Asia December 2011
The Five-Phases of Economic Development and Institutional Evolution in China and Japan December 2011
International Financial Integration and Crisis Intensity January 2012
Effective Development Aid: Selectivity, Proliferation and Fragmentation, and the Growth Impact of Development Assistance January 2012
Responding to the Global Financial Crisis: The Evolution of Asian Regionalism and Economic Globalization January 2012
Foundations of Collective Action in Asia: Theory and Practice of Regional Cooperation February 2012
Strengthening Financial Infrastructure February 2012
Regional and Global Monetary Cooperation February 2012
Lessons of the European Crisis for Regional Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia February 2012
Socio-Economic Impact of Mobile Phones on Indian Agriculture February 2012
Press Briefing on Challenges Facing Post-flood Crop Sector Policy February 2012
Australia and the Future of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement December 2011