Name Date published Author
The Response of Firms to Eligibility Thresholds: Evidence from the Japanese Value-Added Tax January 2008
Real Exchange Rate Dynamics in the Presence of Nontraded Goods and Transaction Costs October 2008
Mumbai 17 Nov 2008 Workshop Programme January 1970
SABER-Project January 1970
Sources and Pro-Poorness of Thailand’s Economic Growth January 2006
Graduating to Globalisation: A Study of Southern Multinationals January 2010
East Asian Capital Markets Integration – Steps Beyond ABMI January 2007
PAFTAD32_Agenda January 1970
Can the New Antimonopoly Act Change the Japanese Business Community?: The 2005 Amendment to Antimonopoly Act and Corporate Compliance January 2008
China’s Business Cycles and Early Warning Indicators July 2008
Real Exchange Rate in China: A Long-run Perspective January 2006
Learning by Exporting and High-tech Capital Deepening in Singapore Manufacturing Industries, 1974-2006 January 2008
Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Arrangements: The Experience and Policy Challenges January 2005
What is the Real Size of China’s Economy? January 2007
RMB Exchange Rate and Local Currency Price Stability: The Case of China and ASEAN+3 January 2006
Cost of Providing Sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services: An initial assessment of LCCA in Andhra Pradesh January 2010
The Future of Financial Liberalization in South Asia January 2010
Regional Currency Unit in Asia: Property and Perspective January 2006
A Roadmap for East Asian Monetary Integration: The Necessary First Step January 2007
China’s Reform on Exchange Rate System and International Trade between Japan and China January 2006