Name Date published Author
Acceleration of Economic Reform in Japan and the Role of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy January 2007
PEK_Conference_Summary_2007 January 1970
Gridlock – Regulatory Regimes in the Thai Passenger Transport Sector January 2007
The Role of the State in Managing and Forestalling Systemic Financial Crises: Some Issues and Perspectives January 2010
Institutional Changes for Private Sector Development in Vietnam: Experience and Lessons January 2007
Policy Determinants of Productivity Growth in Australia January 2007
Fiscal Policy Coordination in Asia: East Asian Infrastructure Investment Fund January 2010
Institutions for Asian Connectivity January 2010
Impact of Global Recession on Sustainable Development and Poverty Linkages January 2010
Economic Reforms in Indonesia After The 1997/98 Economic Crisis January 2007
Institutions for enhancing economic policy performance January 2007
WPS_BKK_OV_15 January 1970
PAFTAD32_Agenda January 1970
The exchange rate regime in Asia: From Crisis to Crisis January 2010
Graduating to Globalisation: A Study of Southern Multinationals January 2010
East Asian Capital Markets Integration – Steps Beyond ABMI January 2007
Microeconomic Policy Reform: Strategy for Regional Cooperation January 2007
Post-Crisis Investment Performance of ASEAN Countries: Impact of FDI January 2007
Financial Institutions and Structures for Growth in East Asia January 2007
Financial Sector Reform: Longer-run policy responses to the Asian Crisis January 2007