Name Date published Author
WPS_MAN_OV_9 January 1970
WPS_MAN_OV_10 January 1970
Developing Asia’s Competitive Advantage in Green Products: Learning from the Japanese Experience January 2010
Trade Logistics and Regional Integration in Latin America and the Caribbean January 2010
Rebalancing Growth in the Republic of Korea January 2010
Fiscal Policy Issues in Korea after the Current Crisis January 2010
Financial Turmoil in the Banking Sector and the Asian Lamfalussy Process: The Case of Four Economies January 2010
Risk-return Efficiency, Financial Distress Risk, and Bank Financial Strength Ratings January 2010
Impacts of Current Global Economic Crisis on Asia’s Labor Market January 2010
Does the IV estimator establish causality? Re-examining Chinese fertility-growth relationship January 2009
Monetizing Housing Equity to Generate Retirement Incomes January 2009
Measuring Asymmetry and Persistence in Conditional Volatility in Real Output: Evidence from Three East Asian Tigers Using a Multivariate GARCH approach January 2009
Time-Varying Currency Betas: Evidence from Developed and Emerging Markets January 2009
The Influence of Economics and Politics on the Structure of World Trade and Investment Flows January 2009
International and Regional Cooperation: Asia’s Role and Responsibilities January 2010
EABER-SABER Newsletter: June 2010 January 1970
EABER_SABER_Newsletter_2010_06 January 1970
Interaction between trade, conflict and cooperation: the case of Japan and China January 2010
Japanese Aid as a Prerequisite for FDI: The Case of Southeast Asian Countries January 2009
Internal Promotion and the Effect of Board Monitoring: A Comparison of Japan and the United States January 2010