Name Date published Author
OTC Derivatives Market in India: Recent Regulatory Initiatives and Open Issues for Market Stability and Development January 2010
The Service Sector as India’s Road to Economic Growth? January 2010
Socio-Economic Impact of Mobile Phones on Indian Agriculture January 2010
Sports Retailing in India: Opportunities, Constraints and Way Forward January 2010
India-Japan Investment Relations: Trends and Prospects January 2010
Drivers of Academic Research and Patenting in India: Econometric Estimation of the Research Production Function January 2010
Addressing New Service Sectors in WTO/FTAs: Express Delivery and India January 2010
Club-Convergence and Polarisation of States: A Nonparametric Analysis of Post-Reform India January 2010
Skills, Informality, and Development January 2010
Model Structure and the Combined Welfare and Trade Effects of China’s Trade Related Policies January 2010
Optimal Tariff Calculations in Tariff Games with Climate Change Considerations January 2010
A Gaussian Test for Cointegration January 2010
Destined for Destitution: Intergenerational Poverty Persistence in Indonesia January 2009
The Socioeconomic and Health Status of Rural–Urban Migrants in Indonesia January 2009
The Effects of Parental Death and Chronic Poverty on Children’s Education and Health: Evidence from Indonesia January 2009
Bias in the Estimation of the Mean Reversion Parameter in Continuous Time Models January 2009
Econometric Analysis of Continuous Time Models: A Survey of Peter Phillips’ Work and Some New Results January 2009
Labor Supply Responses to the 1990s Japanese Tax Reforms January 2009
Heterogeneity in Returns to Work Experience: A Dynamic Model of Female Labor Force Participation January 2009
Forecasting Realized Volatility Using A Nonnegative Semiparametric Model January 2009