Name Date published Author
Fiscal Consolidation with High Growth: A Policy Simulation Model for India January 2010
Moving to Goods and Services Tax in India: Impact on India’s Growth and International Trade January 2009
Dynamics of Youth Population – Impact of Education Expenditure January 2010
Roof above the head: Qualitative assessment of rural housing in India January 2010
Decentralization and Intergovernmental Finance in Japan January 2008
Delay in Fiscal Reform January 2008
Currency Regime and Monetary Autonomy January 2009
Endogenous Population Growth, Social Security, and Dynamic Inefficiency January 2009
Assessing the Performance of Inflation Targeting in East Asian economies January 2010
Environment Pollution Control: Advantage or Disadvantage for Latecomer’s Economies in East Asia? January 2010
Recent trends in China’s trade January 2006
Does New Zealand have a household saving crisis? January 2007
When will New Zealand catch up with Australia? January 2008
The impact of the proposed Emissions Trading Scheme on New Zealand’s economy January 2008
Save now, prosper later: Increasing New Zealand’s savings rate – a preliminary dynamic CGE analysis January 2010
Tariffs in New Zealand: The economic impacts of retaining tariffs in New Zealand A dynamic CGE analysis January 2010
Motives and Giving Norms Behind Remittances: The Case of Filipino Overseas Workers and their Recipient Households January 2009
Investment and Capital Flows: Implications of the ASEAN Economic Community January 2009
Corruption and Development, Revisited January 2010
Achieving the ASEAN Economic Community 2015: Challenges for the Philippines January 2010