Name Date published Author
Asia and The G20 January 2013
Asia Confronts the Impossible Trinity January 2010
Asia confronts the impossible trinity January 2010
Asia-Latin America Free Trade Agreements: An Instrument for Inter-Regional Liberalization and Integration? September 2012
Asia’s Underachiever: Deep Constraints in Philippine Economic Growth January 2009
Asia’s Economic and Political Security in a Shifting Global Order November 2021
Asia’s Post-Global Financial Crisis Adjustment: A Model-Based Dynamic Scenario Analysis November 2010
Asia’s Wicked Environmental Problems February 2012
Asia’s Post-Global Financial Crisis Adjustment: A Model-Based Dynamic Scenario Analysis January 2010
Asia’s Role in the Global Economic Architecture January 2010
Asian Currency Baskets: An Answer in Search of a Question? January 2007
Asian Economic Integration – Perspectives from a Chinese Scholar January 2006
Asian Economic Integration ASEAN+3+1 or ASEAN+1s? January 2006
Asian Energy Outlook to 2020: Trends, Patterns and Imperatives of Regional Cooperation January 2005
Asian Monetary Integration: A Japanese Perspective April 2014
Asian Monetary Unit and Monetary Cooperation in Asia April 2011
Asian Tigers’ Choices: An Overview January 2010
Asian Trade Structures and Trade Potential: An Initial Analysis of South and East Asian Trade January 2008
Assessing Competition in Philippine Markets January 2008
Assessing Socioeconomic Impacts of Transport Infrastructure Projects in the Greater Mekong Subregion January 2010