This study explores the qualitative data on why some Indonesians do not use basic maternal and child health services and why some Indonesians do not send their children to primary or junior high schools, which will serve as a baseline for future PNPM Generasi (Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Generasi Sehat dan Cerdas) and PKH (Program Keluarga Harapan) evaluations. Based on results of FGDs, in-depth interviews, and direct observations conducted in West Java and NTT, the study finds that physical access limitations and isolation, economic access limitations, and the belief in the traditional custom are the main reasons why some community members do not use modern mother and child health services for pre- and postnatal monitoring or for delivery. Problems related to physical access and financial access are also the main reasons for attrition and why some parents do not send their children to junior high school.
Qualitative Baseline Study for PNPM Generasi and PKH: The Availability and Use of the Maternal and Child Health Services and Basic Education Services in the Provinces of West Java and East Nusa Tenggara
ISBN 978-979-3872-55-1