Annual Auckland Trade and Economic Policy School

The Annual Auckland Trade and Economic Policy School (ATEPS) took place in Auckland, New Zealand, under the theme of “Trans-Tasman, Regional and Global Initiatives for Sustainable Trade Futures.” ATEPS 2023 focused on various key topics, including the Trans-Tasman geo-political context, Regional Trade Agreements, developments in Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Indigenous Trade Policy, digital trade, sustainable trade, the Green Economy, global Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs), and the future of trade.

The school provided a platform for experts and participants to discuss and analyse the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in trade policy and economic cooperation. Special attention was given to the Trans-Tasman region, which encompasses Australia and New Zealand, as well as the broader regional and global initiatives shaping sustainable trade futures.

ATEPS 2023 facilitated insightful discussions on diverse aspects of trade policy, exploring the intersection of economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Participants engaged in thought-provoking conversations and exchanged ideas to contribute to the advancement of sustainable trade frameworks and the promotion of inclusive and resilient economies.

Dates: Thursday, February 23, 2023 to Friday, February 24, 2023
Location: Auckland, New Zealand