ANU-RIETI Symposium: Towards Comprehensive Regional Security in Asia
The Australia Japan Research Centre and the East Asian Bureau of Economic Research and the Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry (RIETI) co-hosted a symposium in Tokyo, Japan. The symposium, titled “Towards Comprehensive Regional Security in Asia,” commenced with an insightful keynote speech by Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Indonesia’s Finance Minister. Minister Indrawati reflected on the escalating security concerns in the Asian region and emphasised the importance of economic cooperation as a response to these challenges.
The symposium aimed to foster discussions and explore approaches to achieving comprehensive regional security in Asia. Scholars, experts, and policymakers from various disciplines and backgrounds shared their insights and research findings, examining the multidimensional aspects of regional security and the role of economic cooperation in addressing complex security issues.
By bringing together prominent figures and stakeholders, the symposium provided a valuable platform for exchanging ideas, promoting cooperation, and advancing the discourse on comprehensive regional security in Asia.