Back to school with China partnership

Social welfare and environmental management were two significant talking points during a recent meeting between ANU academics and a high-level Chinese government delegation.
The academic roundtable formed part of a visit by the China Central Party School (CPS) and was hosted by the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. It included Crawford School professors Peter Whiteford and Frank Jotzo.

CPS is the official higher education institute the Chinese Communist Party. This year’s visit marked the third time the CPS has visited ANU since the signing of the 2010 MoU.

This year’s eight-member delegation was headed by Mr Luo Zongyi, Director General of the CPS Department of Training Affairs and a Member of the school committee.

College Dean Professor Andrew MacIntyre said the visit highlighted the importance of the CPS-ANU relationship.

“It has been nurtured over nearly 10 years and was formalised under a 2010 Memorandum of Understanding signed by Chinese President Xi Jinping,” said MacIntyre.

“The partnership allows ANU researchers access to some of the most influential policy-oriented scholars in China.”

During the roundtable, CPS professor Xiang Chunling discussed the progress made by the Chinese toward an integrated social security system, while Professor Feng Lixia presented on the environmental challenges facing China.

Professor Andrew Podger of the ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, Crawford’s Peter Whiteford and Frank Jotzo, and Professor Stephen Dovers from the ANU Fenner School all offered their insights to the delegation.
A regular feature of the College’s international outreach efforts, the roundtables have been driven by Crawford School of Public Policy professors Richard Rigby and Peter Drysdale, and Professor MacIntyre.Air Jordan 33 XXXIII

Dates: Thursday, May 16, 2013
Location: Canberra