Banking Crises and “Japanization”: Origins and Implications
July 2013
Through a Glass Darkly – Deciphering the Impact of Oil Price Shocks
January 2006
Stock Returns-Inflation Relation in India
January 2008
Analysis of the Impact of Changes in the Prices of Rice and Fuel on Poverty in the Philippines
January 2009
What Determine China’s Inflation?
January 2010
Working to Improve Price Indices Development in Pakistan
January 2010
Insecurities of the old and marginalized: Inflation, Oil Shocks, Financial Crisis and Social Security
January 2009
Using Panel Data to Exactly Estimate Income Under-Reporting by the Self Employed
January 2009
Price Setting Behaviour of Pakistani Firms: Evidence from Four Industrial Cities of Punjab
January 2010
The Taylor Rule and the Macroeconomic Performance in Pakistan
January 2007