Dynamic Analysis of Exchange Rate Regimes: Policy Implications for Emerging Countries in Asia
October 2014
Dynamic Transition of the Exchange Rate Regime in the People’s Republic of China
April 2014
Expanding Beyond Borders: The Yen and the Yuan
December 2013
Creating an Association of Southeast Asian Nations Payment System: Policy and Regulatory Issues
May 2013
Europe’s Debt Crisis, Coordination Failure, and International Effects
July 2012
Lessons of the European Crisis for Regional Monetary and Financial Integration in East Asia
February 2012
Currency Conversion in the Anti-dumping Agreement
April 2000
The Governor or the Sheriff? Pacific Island Nations and Dollarization.
February 2005
The Governor or the Sheriff? Pacific Island Nations and Dollarization.
February 2005
The Governor or the Sheriff? Pacific Island Nations and Dollarization.
February 2005