The Global Financial Crisis: Countercyclical Fiscal Policy Issues and Challenges in Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore
June 2011
The Business Cycle in the Philippines
January 2005
Asia Confronts the Impossible Trinity
January 2010
Short term gain, long term pain? Impact of New Zealand’s fiscal stimulus – A dynamic general equilibrium analysis
January 2009
Fiscal Consolidation with High Growth: A Policy Simulation Model for India
January 2010
The Effect of Financial Repression & Enforcement on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
March 2006
Central Asia: Mapping Future Prospects
January 2006
Dynamic Treatment Effect Analysis of TV Effects on Child Cognitive Development
January 2007
Reforming India’s Fiscal Transfer System: Resolving Vertical and Horizontal Imbalances
January 2008
Equalizing Health and Education: Approach of the Twelfth Finance Commission
January 2006