Do Global Forums Influence Domestic Macroeconomic Policies Anymore?
April 2018
Global implications of a US-led currency war
Three Arrows of “Abenomics” and the Structural Reform of Japan: Inflation Targeting Policy of the Central Bank, Fiscal Consolidation, and Growth Strategy
August 2014
How Low-Carbon Green Growth Can Reduce Inequalities
May 2013
Japan’s Post-Triple-Disaster Growth Strategy
August 2012
Fiscal Policy Issues for India after the Global Financial Crisis (2008–2010)
September 2010
Asia’s Post-Global Financial Crisis Adjustment: A Model-Based Dynamic Scenario Analysis
November 2010
The Role of Macroeconomic Policy in Rebalancing Growth
February 2010
The Global Financial Crisis: Countercyclical Fiscal Policy Issues and Challenges in Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore
June 2011
Short term gain, long term pain? Impact of New Zealand’s fiscal stimulus – A dynamic general equilibrium analysis
January 2009