How Do FTAs Affect Exporting Firms in Thailand?
January 2010
Deepening India–Bangladesh Economic Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities
January 2007
Financial Services Integration in East Asia: Lessons from the European Union
January 2008
China’s good terms and prosperity with ASEAN
January 2006
Achieving the ASEAN Economic Community 2015: Challenges for the Philippines
January 2010
Integration and Trade Specialization in East Asia
January 2006
Potential of Asian Economic Integration: A Perspective from the Strategy of Japanese Enterprises
January 2008
Growth and Reform in the Korean Economy Proceedings of the Conference on Growth and Reform in Korea – Implications for Australia
January 2005
Historical and Contemporary Relations between the Peoples of Southeast Asia and China – Enhancing Future Collaboration among ASEAN and Chinese Youths
January 2006
Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA): Toward a Framework for Regional Economic Integration
January 2010