Measuring Asymmetry and Persistence in Conditional
Volatility in Real Output: Evidence from Three East Asian
Tigers Using a Multivariate GARCH approach
January 2009
Real Exchange Rate in China: A Long-run Perspective
January 2006
Time-Varying Currency Betas: Evidence from Developed and Emerging Markets
January 2009
China’s Reform on Exchange Rate System and International Trade between Japan and China
January 2006
The Yuan’s Exchange Rates and Pass-through Effects on the Prices of Japanese and US Imports
January 2010
A Roadmap for East Asian Monetary Integration: The Necessary First Step
January 2007
Capital Inflows, Inflation and Exchange Rate Volatility: An Investigation for Linear and Nonlinear Causal Linkages
January 2010
Regional Currency Unit in Asia: Property and Perspective
January 2006
Managing Capital Flows:
The Case of the People’s Republic of China
January 2008
Appropriate Exchange Rate Regime in Developing Countries: The Case of Korea
October 2000