“Incentives from Exchange Rate Regimes in an Institutional Context”
January 2005
Examining the decoupling hypothesis for India
January 2009
Incentives from Exchange Rate Regimes in an Institutional Context
January 2006
Inflation Targeting and Pass-through Rate in East Asian Economies
January 2010
A General Equilibrium Open Economy Model for Emerging Markets – Monetary Policy with a Dualistic Labor Market
January 2007
Monetary Autonomy in Select Asian Economies: Role of International Reserves
January 2010
The Financial Crisis, Rethinking of the Global Financial Architecture, and the Trilemma
January 2010
The Structure of Inflation, Information and Labour Markets – Implications for monetary policy
January 2008
Rebalancing the US Economy in a Postcrisis World
January 2010
The Natural Interest Rate in Emerging Markets
January 2008