Rules of Origin: Regimes in East Asia and Recommendations for Best Practice
January 2008
Regional Settlement Infrastructure and Currency Internationalization: The Case of Asia and the Renminbi
February 2014
Regional Integration in the Americas: State of Play, Lessons, and Ways Forward
April 2011
Rediscovering the Role of Developing Countries in GATT before the Doha Round
January 2008
Rebalancing the US Economy in a Postcrisis World
January 2010
Prospects for Environmental Trade under the Regional Process in South Asia: Evidence from SAPTA and Proposals for SAFTA
January 2005
Policy Issues for the ASEAN Economic Community: the Rules of Origin
January 2008
Paths to a Reserve Currency: Internationalization of the Renminbi and Its Implications
May 2014
Japan and an Asian Economic Community
January 2006
International Monetary Reform: A Critical Appraisal of Some Proposals
June 2012