The Effectiveness of the Raskin Program
January 2008
Moving Out of Poverty: The Case of Desa Branta Pesisir, Kabupaten Pamekasan
January 2006
Moving Out of Poverty: The Case of Gura, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara
January 2006
Developing a Poverty Map for Indonesia (A Tool for Better Targeting in Poverty Reduction and Social Protection Programs)
January 2005
Objective Measures of Family Welfare for Individual Targeting: Results from Pilot Project on Community Based Monitoring System in Indonesia
January 2005
Korea’s Unemployment Insurance in the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis and Adjustments in the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
January 2010
Impacts of Current Global Economic Crisis on Asia’s Labor Market
January 2010
Does Governance Contribute to Pro-poor Growth? Evidence from Pakistan
January 2009
Competitiveness, Income Distribution, and Growth in Thailand: What Does the Long-run Evidence Show?
January 2005
The Macro-Economic and Sectoral Impacts of HIV and AIDS in India
January 2006