Service Sector Productivity and Economic Growth in Asia
July 2014
Causes of and Remedies for the People’s Republic of China’s External Imbalances: The Role of Factor Market Distortion
April 2011
The Current State of Financial and Regulatory Frameworks in Asian Economies: The Case of India
August 2011
Can Asia Sustain an Export-Led Growth Strategy in the Aftermath of the Global Crisis? An Empirical Exploration
December 2011
Towards Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between India and Central Asian Republics
January 2006
Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Performance in South Asia
January 2010
Transportation Cost and Trade Competitiveness: Empirical Evidence from India
January 2008
Is Foreign Aid a Vanguard of Foreign Direct Investment? A Gravity-Equation Approach
January 2009
Emergence of China and India in the New Millennium: Will it Facilitate Market Access for LDCs and Developing Countries?
January 2005
How Does Financial System Efficiency Affect the Growth Impact of FDI in China?
January 2009