Managing Multinational Infrastructure: An Analysis of European Union Institutional Structures and Best Practice
July 2011
Climate Change and Poverty Reduction—Where Does Official Development Assistance Money Go?
November 2011
Development Cooperation for Economic Integration of East and South Asia.
December 2008
Pakistan’s Trade Policy, 1999–2008: An Assessment
January 2009
Emerging Patterns in Architecture for Management of Economic Assistance and Development Cooperation: Implications and Challenges for India
January 2008
Reinventing UNCTAD: Some Proposals for the UNCTAD Mid-term Review
January 2006
South Asian Integration Prospects and Lessons from East Asia
January 2008
The Mekong River Basic Development: The Realities and Prospects of Korea’s Participation
December 1999
Competition Policy and Regulation in Ports and Shipping
January 2005
Has Trade Intensity in ASEAN+3 Really Increased? Evidence from a Gravity Analysis
November 2002