Land Reform and Changes in Land Ownership Concentration: Evidence from Rice-Growing Villages in the Philippines
January 2006
Evaluating Agricultural Policy in a Farming System Framework: A Case Study from North West India
January 2009
Land Rental Market Activity in Agrarian Reform Areas: Evidence from the Philippines
January 2008
Poverty and Agrarian Distress in Orissa
January 2009
The Evolution of Rice Production Practices
January 2005
Jatropha curcas: Development of a New Oil Crop for Biofuel
January 2009
Contractual Arrangements in Agriculture (Northern and Central Luzon Component)
January 2007
Scenarios and Options for Productivity Growth in Philippine Agriculture An Application of the AMPLE
January 2010
Agricultural Contracts in Mindanao: the Case of Banana and Pineapple
January 2007
A Century of Rice Innovations
January 2005