Evaluating Agricultural Policy in a Farming System Framework: A Case Study from North West India
January 2009
The Cost of Redistributive Land Reform in the Philippines: Assessment of PD 27 and RA 6657 (CARL)
January 2010
CARP Institutional Assessment in a Post-2008 Transition Scenario: Towards a new Rural Development Architecture
January 2008
How Participatory is Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)?
A Study of Water User Associations (WUAs) in Andhra Pradesh
January 2005
Sources of Output Growth in Indian Agriculture during the Post-Reform Period
January 2008
Land Reform and Changes in Land Ownership Concentration: Evidence from Rice-Growing Villages in the Philippines
January 2006
Land Rental Market Activity in Agrarian Reform Areas: Evidence from the Philippines
January 2008
CARP Institutional Assessment in a Post-2008 Transition Scenario: Implications for Land Administration and Management
January 2008
Contractual Arrangements in Agriculture (Northern and Central Luzon Component)
January 2007
Agricultural Contracts in Mindanao: the Case of Banana and Pineapple
January 2007