Supply and Demand Trends and Plans for Natural Gas in South Korea
January 2009
Climate Change and Energy Security – Obama’s Historic Challenge
January 2009
Usefulness of the Forward Curve in Forecasting Oil Prices
January 2009
The Electric Energy-Water Nexus: Managing the Seasonal Linkages of Fresh Water Use in Energy Sector for Sustainable Future
January 2010
Asia’s Underachiever: Deep Constraints in Philippine Economic Growth
January 2009
How does a decrease in oil production affect the world’s economy?
January 2010
U.S., European and South Korean Efforts to Raise Nuclear Power Plant Utility factors – What Japan Should Learn from These Efforts
January 2010
Kazakhstan’s Energy Outlook
January 2010
Natural Gas Situation and LNG Supply/Demand Trends in Asia-Pacific and Atlantic Markets
January 2010
Japan’s Long-term Energy Demand and Supply Scenario to 2050 – Estimation for the Potential of Massive CO2 Mitigation
January 2009