China’s New Role in the International Financial Architecture
July 2017
Can coordination in the G-20 help countries to reduce debt and deficits?
November 2018
Rebalancing a lopsided global economy
June 2019
A Giant Problem: The Influence of the Chicago School on Australian Competition Law, Economic Dynamism and Inequality
September 2019
Stagnation vs Singularity: The Global Implications of Alternative Productivity Growth Scenarios
March 2019
From health crisis to financial crisis: The role of Australia’s financial support in preventing deep crises in Asia
June 2020
Asia and The G20
January 2013
Determinants of Labor-intensive exports by the Developing Countries: A Cross Country Analysis
July 2012
Sydney Water: Pricing for Sustainability
October 2006
Multinational Corporations and Pacific Regionalism
January 2006