Japanese Aid as a Prerequisite for FDI: The Case of Southeast Asian Countries
January 2009
Internal Promotion and the Effect of Board Monitoring: A Comparison of Japan and the United States
January 2010
Is Foreign Aid a Vanguard of Foreign Direct Investment? A Gravity-Equation Approach
January 2009
Are the East Asian Currencies still Misaligned? An Analysis Based on Absolute PPP-Income Relationship using Panel Data
January 2009
A tale of pork prices: evasion and attenuation of a Japanese tariff
January 2009
Insular Decision-making in the Board Room: Why Boards Retain and Hire Sub-Standard CEOs
January 2009
How Does Financial System Efficiency Affect the Growth Impact of FDI in China?
January 2009
Immunising future trade against protectionists: preventing the emergence of more sensitive sectors
January 2008
Financial Institutions and Structures for Growth in East Asia
January 2007