RURAL NON-AGRICULTURAL EMPLOYMENT IN INDIA – The Residual Sector Hypothesis Revisited
January 2005
Growing Services in India – An Inter-Sectoral Analysis Based on State-Level Data
January 2005
Cost of Providing Sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services: An initial assessment of LCCA in Andhra Pradesh
January 2010
Inclusive Growth in Andhra Pradesh – Challenges in Agriculture, Poverty, Social Sector and
Regional Disparities
January 2007
Sex trafficking of girls and women: Evidence from Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh
January 2010
LARGE FARMERS IN THE LEASE MARKET – How and Why Do They Enter the Market? Are Marginal Farmers Affected in the Process?
January 2004
Gender Differentials in Adult Mortality in India – With Notes on Rural-Urban Contrasts
January 2002
The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Information and Communication Technologies
January 2004
Food Processing in Andhra Pradesh
Opportunities and Challenges
January 2004
The Differential Impact of User Heterogeneity in Resource Management: A Case Study from Kerala
January 2005