Emerging through Technological Capability – An Overview of India’s Technological Trajectory
January 2008
Drivers of Academic Research and Patenting in India:
Econometric Estimation of the Research Production Function
January 2010
Domestic Market Integration
January 2006
Does Capital Account Openness Lower Inflation?
January 2007
Disciplining Voluntary Environmental Standards At The WTO – An Indian Legal Viewpoint
January 2006
Development Strategy for the Hill Districts of Uttarakhand
January 2008
Determinants of Competitiveness of the Indian Auto Industry
January 2008
Demand-Supply Trends and Projections of Food in India
January 2008
Deepening Intraregional Trade and Investment in South Asia – The Case of the Textiles and Clothing Industry
January 2008
Deconstructing China’s and India’s Growth – The Role of
Financial Policies
January 2008