A Roadmap for the Asian Exchange Rate Mechanism
January 2005
Democracy and Trade Policy: the Role of Interest Groups
January 2010
Development Cooperation for Economic Integration of East and South Asia.
December 2008
Empirical Analyses of U.S. Congressional Voting on Recent FTA Bills
January 2008
Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC): Legal Aspects of Regional Trade Integration
January 2008
FDI Inflows, Exports and Economic Growth in First and Second Generation ANIEs: Panel Data Causality Analyses
April 2008
Financial Liberalisation, Crises, and Economic Growth
January 2007
Firm Heterogeneity in the Choice of Offshoring: Evidence from Korean Manufacturing Firms
January 2009
Flexible BBC Exchange Rate System and Exchange Rate Cooperation in East Asia
July 2008
General Equilibrium Analysis of DDA Trade Liberalization: Assessment of Alternative Scenarios
January 2010