Interface Between Competition Policy and Infrastructure Regulation in the Philippines
January 2005
Investment and Capital Flows: Implications of the ASEAN Economic Community
January 2009
Issues on the Official Poverty Estimation Methodology in the Philippines: Comparability of Estimates
across Space and over Time
January 2009
Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA): Toward a Framework for Regional Economic Integration
January 2010
LGU Access to Official Development Assistance (ODA): Status, Issues, and Concerns
January 2010
Motives and Giving Norms Behind Remittances: The Case of Filipino Overseas Workers and their Recipient Households
January 2009
Policy Issues for the ASEAN Economic Community: the Rules of Origin
January 2008
Policy Reforms and Institutional Weaknesses – Closing the Gap
January 2007
Prospects for Regional Cooperation between Latin America and the Caribbean Region and the Asia and Pacific Region: Perspective from East Asia*
January 2010
Rules of Origin – Evolving Best Practices for RTAs/FTAs
January 2006