A Social Accounting Matrix for Pakistan, 2001-02: Methodology and Results
January 2006
Delivering Access to Safe Drinking Water and Adequate Sanitation in Pakistan
January 2007
Poverty-reducing or Poverty-inducing? A CGE-based Analysis of Foreign Capital Inflows in Pakistan
January 2006
Wheat Markets and Price Stabilisation in Pakistan: An Analysis of Policy Options
January 2006
Trade Liberalisation, Financial Development and Economic Growth
January 2007
Dynamic Effects of Agriculture Trade in the Context of Domestic and Global Liberalisation: A CGE Analysis for Pakistan
January 2007
Awake the Sleeper Within: Releasing the Energy of Stifled Domestic Commerce!
January 2006
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: The Role of Domestic Financial Sector
January 2007
Income, Public Social Services, and Capability Development: A Cross-district Analysis of Pakistan
January 2008
Entrepreneurship in Pakistan
January 2007