Interface Between Competition Policy and Infrastructure Regulation in the Philippines
January 2005
Preferential Trading Agreements and Agricultural Liberalization in East and Southeast Asia
January 2006
Impacts of the Free Trade Area of the Pacific (FTAAP) on Production, Consumption, and Trade of the Philippines
January 2008
A Documentation of the Philippines’ Family Income and Expenditure Survey
January 2009
Closer Trade and Financial Cooperation in ASEAN: Issues at the Regional and National Level with Focus on the Philippines
May 2007
Land Rental Market Activity in Agrarian Reform Areas: Evidence from the Philippines
January 2008
State of Competition in the Wholesale and Retail Sector
January 2005
CARP Institutional Assessment in a Post-2008 Transition Scenario: Reforms for the Agrarian Justice System
January 2008
Deliberating a Philippine-US Free Trade Agreement: Issues, Challenges and Prospects
January 2006
Market Access Limitations of the Philippines in the EU Market
January 2007