Understanding the Decline in Japan’s Saving Rate in the New Millennium
January 2010
The Dynamic Impacts of M&A on Employment in Japan:
Using Micro-data from the Financial Statements Statistics of Corporations by Industry
January 2010
Political Economy of the Financial Crises in Japan & the United States: A Comparative Study on the Bailout of Financial Institutions
January 2010
Monetary Autonomy in Select Asian Economies: Role of International Reserves
January 2010
Inflation Targeting and Pass-through Rate in East Asian Economies
January 2010
Environment Pollution Control: Advantage or Disadvantage for Latecomer’s Economies in East Asia?
January 2010
Endogenous Population Growth, Social Security, and Dynamic Inefficiency
January 2009
Delay in Fiscal Reform
January 2008
Decentralization and Intergovernmental Finance in Japan
January 2008
Currency Regime and Monetary Autonomy
January 2009